Shaw Centre | Ottawa, Ontario

September 24, 2024 - Invite-only Workshops
September 25-26, 2024 - Conference and Exhibition

Shaw Centre | Ottawa, Ontario

September 24, 2024 - Invite-only Workshops
September 25-26, 2024 - Conference and Exhibition

Canada's Emergency Preparedness
and Climate Adaptation Convention



When does the abstract submission close?

The submission deadline is February 29, 2024

Is there a word limit for an abstract?

The suggested limit is 300 – 450 words.

Can I submit more than one abstract?

Yes, you can. The submissions must differ in content however they may be in the same category, authors and affiliation if you wish.

How I do submit an abstract?

All submissions will need to be completed through the online submission form.

To complete your submission, please have your 300 - 450 word abstract, your photo and short professional biography ready before you begin.

What criteria in which my abstract is going to be graded?

The Technical Committee will grade each abstract on specific criteria, resulting in an overall mark out of a maximum possible 10 points. Technical Committee members may also choose to move abstracts to categories which are more relevant if necessary. The scoring process takes place from March 1, 2024 - April 5, 2024 with all applicants being informed of the status of their submission via email by April 12, 2024, with further instruction on the next steps provided at that time. All abstracts are fairly graded and purely chosen “by the industry, for the industry.”

Criteria on what the Technical Committee will be looking for in an abstract:

Concept (How innovative is this topic?)
Educational versus Commercial (How educational is this topic?)
Relevance to Conference Themes (How relevant is this to the industry?)
Timely and Important (How timely and relevant is this topic?)
Written Assessment (How well written is this abstract?)

What happens if my abstract is successfully selected?

If your abstract was scored well by the Technical Committee during the scoring period and it secured a speaking spot in the final program, you will be notified via email by April 12, 2024.

A member of the dmg events content team will contact you via email with your acceptance email and provide you with further instructions and deadlines for you to take.

The presenter and any co-presenters will be required to purchase a Technical Conference pass which includes access to all technical presentations, panel sessions, and networking events and covers all refreshment breaks and lunch as well as access to the exhibition.

Speakers will be responsible for their own hotel accommodation, travel, food or other incidental expenses.

What happens with unsuccessful applications?

All abstract submitters will be notified by April 30, 2024 on whether the abstract was successful in making it into the final program. If the abstract was not initially accepted into the final program, below will be an available option.

Accept to be an Alternate Speaker – If your abstract scored well but didn’t make the final program you can choose to be an alternate speaker. As an alternate speaker you would be placed on a list in case one of the accepted speakers is unable to present for whatever reason. Please note that being on the alternate list does not guarantee a speaking spot.

Is there a cost involved in the process to become a speaker?

There are no costs incurred for submitting and applying for the conference

Successful speakers who are accepted into the final technical program will be required to pay the technical conference rate. The rate includes a full technical conference pass which includes access to all technical presentations, panel sessions, networking events and covers all refreshment breaks and lunch as well as access to the exhibition.

We do not cover travel and accommodation costs for successful speakers