Shaw Centre | Ottawa, Ontario

September 24, 2024 - Invite-only Workshops
September 25-26, 2024 - Conference and Exhibition

Shaw Centre | Ottawa, Ontario

September 24, 2024 - Invite-only Workshops
September 25-26, 2024 - Conference and Exhibition

Canada's Emergency Preparedness
and Climate Adaptation Convention

The NRP is Canada's first strategic, national-level risk assessment.

This report is based on input and evidence from whole-of-society stakeholders across Canada, and provides a foundation for understanding disaster risk from the three costliest hazards facing Canadians: earthquakes, wildland fire, and floods.

11 May 2023, Thursday

Risk Assessment

The National Risk Profile (NRP) is a federal government initiative. The NRP was developed with provincial, territorial, and expert stakeholder input. It reflects information and findings compiled by the Government of Canada. The final report was drafted by the Government of Canada.

The NRP is Canada’s first strategic, national-level risk assessment. This report is based on input and evidence from whole-of-society stakeholders across Canada, and provides a foundation for understanding disaster risk from the three costliest hazards facing Canadians: earthquakes, wildland fire, and floods. It aims to broaden public awareness of disaster risk, identify gaps in the Canadian emergency management system at a national level and provide evidence to support existing federal risk assessment and climate change adaptation efforts. This evidence base can help reduce disaster risk and increase resilience for everyone in Canada.

Given the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, this report also contains a chapter on pandemics. However, it is important to note that this report does not analyze pandemics as a distinct hazard. Pandemics are examined as a contextual factor that affect disaster risk and response. Observations and lessons learned thus far for emergency management from the COVID-19 pandemic are also presented. However, it does not serve as a review or assessment of the Government’s response to the pandemic as this remains a continuous event for which the response is ongoing.

The NRP is not a policy document nor does it include any proposed funding towards any of the gaps and issues identified. Rather, it presents all levels of government, stakeholders and the general public with national evidence on Canada’s disaster risk and gaps in the emergency management system.